HOME | No.70 Chialing Hung

No.70 Chialing Hung
洪佳伶老師(hóng jiā líng)



【Student feedback】

Languages Supported   Chinese  Taiwanese  English 
Supported Lessons Regular Chinese Lesson/Chinese lessons for children/C-POP
academic background
文藻外語大學應用華語文系(Department of Chinese Language Education)(university)

July 2023- Lessons begin at TCEC
Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages Chinese Language Center
(Chinese language instructor experience)

Skype Name

Skype Name will be open only for members. Please confirm it in the reservation system.
The alphanumeric characters in [ ] after the teacher's name displayed in the reservation system is the teacher's Skype name.


 洪老師上課很有耐心, 一字一句的復習, 讓我在發音上有很大的進步, 上課氣氛也很輕鬆, 學習中文不會有壓力, 可以在洪老師的指導帶領中有效率的學習華語. 

Hi everyone, my name is Chia-Ling Hung. My hobby is watching movies. My favorite series of movies is Conan, and in addition, I like to travel. My dream is to travel around the world.

Teachers' weekly schedules are only displayed on the computer site.